
The article emphasizes the relevance of the formation of health-preserving and health-developing competencies of students during the adaptation cycle of basic secondary school education (5–6 grade students). It is noted that over the last decade the situation in science regarding the problem of health care has changed significantly and the research data have become the object of study of pedagogical science, which significantly influenced the expansion of the spectrum of interpretation of the concept of “health preservation competence”. Since the definition of “health preservation competence” does not have an unambiguous interpretation, various approaches to defining the terms of health-preserving and healthdeveloping competences have been investigated. It has been established that scientists attach different meanings to the concept of “health preservation competence”, which defines it as an ambiguous and broadfaceted meaning and offers different approaches to its formation in students. Attention is focused on the fact that for students of grades 5–6, it is important not only to preserve health, but also to strengthen and further develop it, and therefore, the formation of health-preserving and health-developing competencies in students of this age. The analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature proved that the category “health development competence” is considered in the scientific literature not as often as the concept of “health preservation competence”. The stages, tasks and directions of the formation of the researched competencies developed by the scientists and the proposed ways of their formation and development through the prism of the implementation of socio-pedagogical activities, the implementation of pedagogical and health-development technologies, through the use of a system of health and physical culture activities and methodical techniques that direct the educational process to formation of students’ health-preserving and health-developing competencies, healthy lifestyle skills and appropriate health culture.

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