
As a result of laboratory cultivation of bottom sediment samples taken during six expeditions at oceanographic stations of the coastal waters of the Black and Azov Seas located along the coast of Crimea in different seasons of 2019‒2020, preliminary results on the distribution of cyanobacteria in the benthos of these areas were obtained. The development of cultivated forms of cyanobacteria was observed in 65 Black Sea samples at 54 stations and in all samples from the Sea of Azov. In the benthos of the Black and Azov Seas areas, representatives of 11 and 10 genera of cyanobacteria were identified, respectively, belonging to four orders: Synechococcales (Synechococcus, Rhabdoderma, Aphanocapsa, Merismopedia, Leptolyngbya), Chroococcales (Microcystis, Chroococcus), Oscillatoriales (including Spirulina), Nostocales (Anabaena, Nostoc, Scytonema). Representatives of the genus Microcystis were the most common in the bottom sediments of the Black Sea coast of Crimea, whereas in the Sea of Azov they were Microcystis and Oscillatoriales. Cyanobacteria with a deep violet color were often found, which indicates the predominance of phycoerythrin in the pigment complex of these cyanobacteria. The maximum number of cultivated forms of cyanobacteria in the bottom sediments of the Black Sea during the entire study period was registered in the euphotic zone, and the lowest – in the 100–1000 m zone. 40 batch cultures were obtained, from which new strains of cyanobacteria are be isolated. In the future, the research results can be used to monitor the ecological state of the coastal waters, while the isolated cyanobacteria strains can also be used for genetic, biotechnological, medical and other research.

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