
It is peculiarity of Quran and Hadith sciences that their system of editing and development had been carried out in such methodical manner that where the texts of the original sources of science were not only preserved but their interpretations and commentaries were also unspoiled. Likewise, predominantly in the Hadith sciences, the indexation system was designed in such a way that future generations could feel at ease. They rendered a system of Takhrij-o-Taliq of hadiths. Among these, Atraf al-Hadith is a reference system of ahadith in which the author of the book mentions a well-known and sometimes unknown or alphabetical word or phrase that represents whole text of hadith, then the author indicates towards certain or specific books in which the hadith is mentioned. This indexation system of editing is also called Kitab al-Faharis. Dutch Philosopher Johan Herman Wensinck is renowned due to his Hadith Projects. This paper discusses and examine his two great Hadith projects Miftah Kunuz al-Sunnah and al-Muʻjam al-mufahras li-alfāẓ al-Ḥadīth al-Nabawī. A methodological analysis between these two works is presented and some of inaccuracies are pointed out to be reformed for the future publishing.

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