
ICT boom has given a new dimension to the study of hadith which is at the same time considered an effort to strengthen, uphold and preserve the hadith within cyber Islamic environments. Therefore, this study has identified three selected mobile apps i.e. 9 Imam Encyclopedia, Kutub Tis‘ah as well as Mawsu‘ah al-Hadith al-Nabawi al-Syarif. The study was intended to demonstrate the ease of takhrij al-Hadith (verification and authentication) in this era and to explore some mobile apps that can be used to facilitate learning process. The methodology used was the quantitative data collection of hadith in the apps. On a positive note, the study found few important takhrij features have been refined on these apps including (1) Masdar al-hadith (original source text), (2) Ranking of hadith, (3) Sanad (chain of hadith narrators), (4) Matn (text of hadith), (5) Position of hadith in other sources (specifying Shawahid or witnesses and Mutaba'at or follow-up), (6) Narrator’s biography (al-Jarh wa Ta’dil), (7) Categories of hadith based on the Sanad, (8) Categories of hadith based on the Matn and (9) Hukm al-hadith (juristic ruling of hadith). Significantly, 9 Imam Encyclopedia is concluded to be the best mobile apps that can be used by many hadith scholars and online users as it comes with nine features listed earlier.

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