
The article is devoted to the study of factors contributing to the formation of adherence to smoking in young people. The study involved 300 young people, of which 154 people are students of the Saratov College of Water Transport, Construction and Service, 146 people are students of a medical university. The study of smoking prevalence was carried out using adapted questionnaires that include questions about adherence to tobacco smoking, as well as modern alternative means of smoking (electronic cigarettes), awareness of the dangers of smoking tobacco products and electronic cigarettes. Were studied the socio-economic and psychological factors that contribute to the formation of addiction. The results of the study indicate a high prevalence of smoking among young people surveyed, while more than half of all respondents who smoke prefer alternative means of smoking. It should be noted that there is a higher prevalence of alternative means of smoking among girls compared to boys. It was found that smoking electronic cigarettes prevails among people with a higher level of material well-being. The results of studying the awareness of respondents about the dangers of tobacco smoking showed a high level of awareness of the respondents. At the same time, awareness of the dangers of alternative means of smoking is at a lower level. An analysis of the study of the reasons for starting smoking among study participants showed that persons living separately from their parents are more susceptible to smoking. According to the respondents themselves, an important role in the formation of adherence to an addiction is played by a negative example of the social environment (smoking of parents, friends, acquaintances). The correlation analysis revealed the relationship between smoking and the level of psychoemotional stress. Thus, the result of this study indicates that the high prevalence of smoking among young people is due to the impact of socioeconomic and psychological factors that must be taken into account in the fight against the formation of addiction among the younger generation. English version of the article is available at URL: https://panor.ru/articles/analysis-of-the-prevalence-of-smoking-among-young-people-taking-into-account-socio-economic-and-psycho-emotional-factors/75548.html

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