
Historical literature and archival sources, which were analyzed, allowed to reveal the components of development of river transport constructions of the Kyiv province of the first half of the 19th century. Work with the corps of sources presented in Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Kyiv, State Archive of Kyiv region, State Archive of Kyiv restored the peculiarities of state agencies relations, designed to coordinate the actions of local authorities, delegates of the merchant class in the field of construction of transport facilities, in particular, river bridges. It was found that the main reasons for building bridges were the aspirations of the authorities and the entrepreneurial class to provide profits that associated with the transportation of people, the supply of goods. It was established that were involved in the construction of bridges the state, represented by the provincial government, and merchants who became contractors. There were many cases when bridges, dams and river carriages were built by the efforts of several private and starost granges farms, whose economists acted as organizers of construction and their using. Regulation of the use of river structures pushed the authorities to abolish the privileges of fee collection, the right to which nobles, landowners inherited from Polish state. Authorities granted permits to build or purchase bridges only in cases, where it did not contradict the military calculations. With the help of merchants were erected not only river structures, but entrepreneurs were involved in the construction of roads leading to bridges. There were cases where foreign engineers have been involved in the design and construction of stone bridges. Contemporaries insisted on the low quality of erected transport structures (wooden dams, bridges) on small rivers of the Kyiv province by the efforts of peasants involved in the zemstvo duty. The consequences of this state of river transport facilities for trade were difficult to transporting people and goods each spring and autumn rainy season.

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