
In the article it is presented an analytical analysis of research on the problems of the development of domestic military-industrial complex, the history of weapons and military equipment. At the same time, dissertations (candidates’ and doctoral) as well as monographic works of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) scientists have been emphasized specially in this analysis. The purpose of this article is to summarize the results of conducted research and, on this basis, to determine the most promising directions for further research in the designated area of scientific activity. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be solved: clarification of the objective prerequisites of starting the investigation of the regional military-industrial complex of Leningrad-St. Petersburg history; identification of the initiators and leaders of these studies in the post-Soviet period as well as the main centers of conducting these studies; coverage of research topics in various historical specialties and branches of science; showing the different forms of scientific research organization and conduct in the designated area; formulation of the most significant scientific results obtained by St. Petersburg (Leningrad) scientists in the course of their research. As a result of the analytical analysisit has been shown the names of the most prominent researchers of the subject as well as the universities of St. Petersburg, where special attention was paid to the development of the most interesting problems, conditions were created for defending dissertations, primarily by forming dissertation councils on historical scientific specialties and branches of sciences (domestic history, history of science and technology, military history). The quantitative and qualitative results of the studies conducted by scientists of St. Petersburg within the framework of the indicated problems for the period from the beginning of the 1990s to the end of the 2010s have been clarified. The scope of the obtained significant scientific resultsaffecting various aspects of the origin, formation and development of the regional military-industrial complex in Leningrad-St. Petersburg is outlined. It has been made the conclusion about the informal scientific and historical school of St. Petersburg established to solve the problems considered in the article, has been shown the main directions of research conducted within the framework of this scientific school as well as the existing potential of such research in the form of dissertation works being prepared for defense.

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