
In the Republic of Armenia, since 2014, breastfeeding of children has been encouraged by the relevant law, which was adopted within the framework of obligations arising from membership in international organizations. Breastfeeding is essential for a baby's survival and health. Breast milk is a safe, natural, nutritious and sustainable food for babies, and it contains antibodies that help protect against many common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea and respiratory illnesses. It seems that breastfeeding is a natural process and should be obtained automatically, without special efforts... But, it wasn’t there ... Even natural phenomena can have a number of nuances and peculiarities, the insufficient mastery of which often leads to seemingly insurmountable problems, encouraging desperate mothers to give up the exclusive gift of breastfeeding. Instead of appropriate specialized support in the given situation, it is often recommended to feed babies with artificial milk in maternity hospitals, which, apart from being a gross violation of the existing law, inadvertently hints at the tendencies to artificially forming an offer for disguised business interests...

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