
The newspaper «Medik» of Samara State Medical University for several decades remained the first and only regional medical periodical for medical students, teachers of the Samara State Medical University and doctors of the university's clinical bases. On the example of its and other newspapers of the universities of the Samara region, the motives of the emergence of the corporate press and the first decades of work in the context of culture and university society of the 50 - 60s of the XX century are analyzed. The idea to create a large-circulation newspaper of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute and issue it on the Day of the Soviet Press on May 5, 1956 matured in the minds of people for whom Lenin's ideas about the tasks of the media and the civic mission of a journalist were a guide to action. The article presents a multifactorial analysis of the prerequisites for the appearance of a university newspaper on the example of a medical university in a large industrial region. The names of prominent scientists and organizers of higher education, as well as healthcare of the Samara region and the country, facts from the history of the region that had a decisive influence on the development of the university corporate press are given. An overview of university newspapers that appeared in the 50s – 60s in Kuibyshev is given. It is pointed out the need to activate the patriotic education of students and the relevance of the task of the media as a collective propagandist and organizer, uniting the generations of our society. This work has become particularly relevant in the context of the aggravation of the information war and the ongoing Special Military Operation to protect Donbass. The problem of the use of artificial intelligence in education and in the media is touched upon.

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