
Winemaking and viticulture is one of the important branches of the national agricultural industry of Ukraine. The culture of wine consumption, which is gradually replacing the culture of consumption of strong alcoholic beverages, signifi- cantly stimulates the domestic market and domestic production of grapes in Ukraine. Ukraine has been granted the EU candidate status, which poses new challenges to the domestic viticulture and winemaking complex. It determines the urgency of assessing its condition and developing a strategy for its development in the conditions of globalization transformations. The article is de- voted to the establishment of globalization trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration and the analysis of the nature of their impact on the viticulture and winemaking complex. It has been determined that food security in the context of overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is one of the leading priorities of the global world. In turn, the main direction of the globalization vector of the Ukrainian economy is its integration with the European Union. The global trends of the world economy are substantiated and their impact on the viticulture and winemaking complex as a component of Ukraine’s agricultural industry is analyzed. It has been proven that the scale of the manifestation of European integration effects and the possible prevention of their negative effects is possible under the condition of maximal approximation of the institutional environment of Ukrainian agrarian business to the European one, orientation towards European legislation and product quality standards, maximum mobilization of available resource potential, human resources and fight against corruption at all levels. The areas of effective development of the viticulture industry in the context of European integration are identified, including state support for the national producer, tax policy optimization, small business development, product quality control, and the formation of a favorable investment climate.

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