
Law enforcement activity requires high professionalism from employees, appropriate legal and cultural level, development of moral and moral qualities. The process of training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia includes, in addition to qualified professional training of police officers, who are, first of all, guarantors of law and order, the formation of a rhetorical personality of police officers at the appropriate level, the acquisition of rhetorical skills and skills by them in the process of training. This article substantiates the relevance of the topic, examines the features of the formation of the rhetorical personality of law enforcement officers in modern conditions and the need to improve it taking into account communicative professional tasks. It is established that when the normative, communicative and ethical aspects of speech culture are observed, positive changes occur in the structure of the rhetorical personality of police officers. It is noted that the highest form of expression of the rhetorical personality of a modern law enforcement officer is its implementation according to the rhetorical ideal. The result of rhetorical training is the formation of the rhetorical personality of police officers, which is created as a result of various trainings and modeling of various rhetorical situations of professional activity for practicing successful speech interaction in them. The article explores the terms: "rhetorical personality" and "rhetorical personality" of police officers.

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