
According to Islamic law, the exercise of the powers acquired as a result of a conjugal contract is not based on absolute monopoly. In its view, it is necessary for the couple to exercise their powers within the scope and spirit of the marriage contract. Exceeding the limits of these powers, non-cooperative behavior and rebellious attitude is called "Nushūz" in the Qur'anic terminology. The Holy Qur'an uses this word for each of the spouses. The Qur'an has also pointed out three ways to remove the non-cooperative attitude of a wife, i.e. wa'ẓ (admonishing), ḥajr fi almaḍhaji' (refuse to share their beds) and ḍarb. In particular, the concept of "ḍarb" has been much debated. A large number of Quranic commentators present the Quranic verse in the context of the husband's authority, so in their case the husband has the right to discipline the wife with beating her lightly i.e. without harming (ḍarb ghair mubarraḥ) but this concept is objected to by a number of contemporary of Muslim scholar. The question is also discussed here whether the subject of the verse is a piece of advice or a preferred rule. The following article discusses the traditional way of thinking and contemporary perspectives in the Qur'anic context of the addressing wife's disobedience.

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