
The research focuses on the fragment «socio-ethical assessment of person» of the early East Slavic world view. The conceptual domain of the fragment has been illuminated in the substantive-adjectival discours. It is the first time that the hierarchy of lexicalsemantic variants in the structure of the meaning of the terms племя and родъ (descendant → family → tribe → genus, clan → social strata → people) coincides with the hierarchy of individualized and generalized socio-ethical portraits (an individualized portrait of a person → a portrait of a clan, a genus; a generalized portrait of a tribe → a portrait of a social strata → a portrait of a people) within the Kyiv Rus’ period world view. Lexems племя and родъ can be traced back to the roots with the original meaning «which multiplied, increased, grew from one root, from one ancestor» and due to this, are interchangeable in ancient Slavic writing (this is shown in the study of P. O. Lavrovskyi). The microfragment «portrait of the social strata» consists of ethical portraits of princes, princesses, clergy, etc. It was revealed that the semantics of the terms кънuзь and кънuгыни correlates with the semantics of the terms племя and родъ. In the content of all these terms there is a combination of the semantics of birth, family relationships, tribal relations with the semantics of knowledge. In our opinion, the reason for the coincidence of portraitsclergy with portraits of princes is the development of the Indo-European root reflexes (to which the term кънuзь goes back) in the direction of semantics saint, sacred. It was proved that the hierarchy of the world view microfragments repeats social-tribal relations, social and family relationships in Kyiv Rus’. Microfragment «portrait of a clan» is represented by namings Ольговичи, Володимиричи, Ростиславичи, Мстиславичи, etc. In a certain context, the term племя could denote a large family, separate branches of the genus, people, tribe. The conceptualization of an individualized image of a person was determined by its place in the family-class hierarchy. Comparison of socio-ethical portraits of persons of the princely family (grand dukes Boris, Gleb, Andryi Bogolubskyi, Alexander Nevskyi, Izyaslav Mstislavovich, etc.) revealed that the functional-semantic peculiarities of nouns and adjectives with the meanings of an ethical assessment of a person reflect subordination between family members. The article is based on the analysis of Old East Slavic literary monuments of the XI–XIII centuries.

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