
The article deals with the identification of terms that define the style of the Main Building of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in domestic and foreign scientific literature, for their further use in the search for architectural analogues for the purposes of landscape design. Since the development of classics in architecture is characterized by heterogeneity in different countries and at different times, the study is based on an analysis of the periodization systems of development of the classical style adopted within domestic and foreign scientific schools. At the first stage, the article describes the domestic scientific system of periodization and shows that a simple chronological definition of the style of the Red Building does not provide the correct result. Therefore, an analysis was made with a comparison of the architectural image of the main building of the University and other classical buildings for which the style is precisely identified. Such an approach made it possible to establish the belonging of the Red Building to the number of architectural objects, the style of which corresponds to strict classicism. At the second stage, the domestic periodization system is compared with its Western counterparts. This allowed us to identify a group of terms used in foreign scientific schools, in particular in Germany and England, for identifying structures with stylistic signs of strict classicism. Thereafter it was analyzed the similarities and fundamental differences in the names of the period of development of foreign classical architecture, corresponding to strict classicism in the domestic architecture. There was demonstrated both the similarity of the terms of the national school with the terms used to refer to strict classicism in Germany and terminological differences in the domestic and English-language literature. In addition it was considered several foreign analogs of the term "strict classicism", which have received wide scientific scattering, but not included in the generally accepted periodization systems of the development of classical architecture .


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Ключові слова: класицизм, неокласицизм, строгий класицизм, палладіанство, неопалладіанство, Червоний корпус КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка. Пошук таких аналогів на сьогодні ускладнений, оскільки у вітчизняній науковій літературі відсутній огляд як українських, так і зарубіжних термінів, якими визначають стиль аналогів Червоного корпусу в країнах найбільшого поширення класичного стилю в архітектурі, зокрема, в Англії, Німеччині та Росії. Мета даного дослідження – ідентифікація термінів, якими визначають стиль головного корпусу КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка у вітчизняній та зарубіжній науковій літературі, для їхнього подальшого застосування у пошуку архітектурних аналогів у цілях ландшафтного дизайну.

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