
Introduction. Doctors’ professional culture is multi-dimensional and covers professional, cultural and moral values, acquires both theoretical and practical relevance.Purpose. The problem of forming of future military doctors` professional culture gains more relevance in context of military medicine development. The article analyzed available scientific sources and information, clarifies how the issues of doctors` professional culture have been researched in higher medical institutions and what directions of development of doctors` professional culture have got priorities.Research methods. The analysis of scientific literature, comparison, classification, generalization and systematization of the material were used in solving the research tasks.Results. The article reveals the relation between the problem of modernization of society and the need to improve the professional culture of military doctors. The maim role in the process of enhancing the professional culture of students of higher medical institutions and students of Ukrainian military academy (UMMA) is the responsibility of the scientific and pedagogical staff of universities.The author emphasis that acquired level of professional culture of future military doctors has significant shortfalls that are inherent in modern Ukrainian society. There is an attempt to emphasize a necessary of qualitive changes in the medical student’s educational process, especially in foreign language studying, quality of mastering the law and international law.Scientific novelty and practical significance of research results. For the first time the organization and pedagogical conditions for forming the professional culture of future military doctors in higher military medical institution was theoretically substantiated as a pedagogical problem.An attempt was made to show a set of interrelated multidimensional elements of professional culture of military doctors.The system of a new views on improving the professional culture of students of higher medical institutions and UMMA`S students was improved. Among the most urgent requirements for the professional culture of future doctors, the attention is focused on the effectiveness of studying of legislation and foreign language training. Author emphasizes the need of study and implementation of EU and NATO experience in military doctors training, which will help to achieve the necessary partnership goals.Conclusions and prospects for future research. Modern research pays much attention to theoretical and practical aspects of formation of the professional culture of medical professionals. At the same time, the formation of the professional culture of military doctors in the system of training in higher medical institutions has not been sufficiently studied.The conclusions and results of further on the professional culture of military doctors trained at universities inUkrainewill help to create some proper conditions for optimization of education progress, moral and psychological support to the military doctors training.

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