
The article discusses both the theoretical and the applied aspects of the formation of a mechanism for managing the adaptive development of industrial enterprises in the context of transformation of the economy. An analysis of the factors of influence has been carried out, the main of which is found to be the level of market prices for iron ore products, significantly depending on fluctuations in exchange rates. Taking into account the need to adapt the totality of operations in the foreign and domestic markets of iron ore products to fluctuations in the exchange rate, the principle of proportionality of income from exported iron ore products and those consumed in the domestic market is proposed. It is determined that the introduction of elements of scientific and technological progress in the activities of iron ore enterprises is a prerequisite for their successful functioning in today’s crisis conditions of economic management. The urgency of introducing elements of scientific and technological progress in the formation of investment and innovation potential, margin of financial strength, level of labor productivity, etc., of an iron ore enterprise has been proved, and the importance of the sales potential of economic entities under modern conditions has been shown. Among the numerous methods and techniques for mathematical calculation of optimized indicators, the most expedient appears the use of modeling through iterative variation of the exchange rate to optimize the volume of exports and domestic consumption of iron ore products. It is specified that, taking into account the need for a margin of financial strength and balance of production and economic programs, this approach is the most appropriate in determining the directions for improving the efficiency of using the resource and production potential of an iron ore enterprise. A model for maximizing income from the sale of products of an iron ore enterprise in the foreign and domestic markets has been proposed, on the basis of which modeling of the value of exports and domestic consumption of iron ore products has been carried out.

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