
The aim of the work is to determine the equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity of radon (EEVA) in a number of residential buildings in the village of Kachug (Irkutsk region) in order to identify objects with violation of hygienic requirements. The survey of buildings was carried out taking into account the guidelines MU “Determination of the average annual values of EEVA of radon isotopes in indoor air based on the results of measurements of different durations” and using two measuring complexes: a SIRAD MR-106N radon detector-indicator and a com - complex CAMERA- 01. The study was carried out in 2 stages. At the first one, measurements were carried out using a detector- indicator, at the second, the results were refined taking into account the excesses identified earlier. As a result of surveys conducted in 10 residential buildings, radon EEVA values were registered at two sites that exceeded the regulatory requirements. Regarding the functional purpose, the highest values of radon concentrations are observed in bathrooms and bedrooms. However, the absolute maximum of radon EEVA is observed in the basement (11,950 Bq/m3). The results of the work are presented in the form of graphic material. In conclusion, recommendations are given that will make it possible to reduce radon concentrations until the true cause of the excess of radon EEVA is established.

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