
Relevance of the research topic. Today,according to many experts, one of thepromising areas for solving the problem ofimproving the efficiency of the training systemof athletes is the formation and improvementof motor techniques, which is an important andintegral component of a holistic system ofsports training, as technique is one of thedecisive factors in motor potential. athlete. Thepurpose of the article is to identify thecharacteristic mistakes made by young athleteswho specialize in hand-to-hand combat in thedevelopment of kicks. Material and researchmethods. The expert assessment wasconducted with the participation of 20 experts(trainers with more than 5 years of experience).To achieve this goal, we used the analysis ofscientific and methodological literature anddocumentary materials, qualimetry - themethod of expert evaluations. Results of work.According to the expert assessment, youngathletes most often make typical mistakeswhen mastering a direct left kick from the leftpost: "the athlete does not tolerate a bent hip inthe knee, and a straight leg" and second rankplaces). The least common mistakes whenperforming this technique are: "the weight ofthe athlete's body on the kicking leg, not on thesupport", "when hitting the athlete is at fullfoot" third and fourth place. Conclusions.Existing approaches to teaching the basictechnique of motor actions of young athleteswho specialize in hand-to-hand combat,require clarifications, additions, detailedtheoretical and methodological analysis,generalization of best practices of coaches,special research aimed at developing thecontent of the material. tactical actions ofathletes.

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