
Background: Ukrainian-Polish relations have a centuries-old component and an ambiguous, contradictory history, which is filled with joint victories and cooperation, as well as with antagonisms and bloody conflicts, especially when it comes to the first half of the 20th century. The problem of the attitude of Ukrainians to the history of Ukrainian-Polish relations of the 20th century is relevant in modern historical research. Studying this topic will allow us to better know and understand Poland and its citizens, which has been almost the main lobbyist for Ukrainian interests in the European Union in recent years. After all, as of today, not a single specialized study has been identified that could exhaustively reveal the mentioned problematics. Purpose. The purpose of the proposed article is to search on the basis of materials of Ukrainian and Polish sociological centers for a comprehensive analysis of the perception of modern Ukrainians of the history of Ukrainian-Polish relations of the first half of 20th century. Results. Ukrainian-Polish relations in the first half of the 20th century remained a heavy burden for future generations of Ukrainians and Poles. At the same time, at the beginning of the 21th century, the historical grievances of the past no longer divide Ukrainians in the perception of Poland and Poles as before. The old stereotypes about Poles as "the eternal enemies of Ukrainians" are gradually being overcome, but they are still being traced. The main sources from which the сitizens of Ukraine draw information about the history of Ukrainian-Polish relations are: conversations with family, school, books, movies, Ukrainian channels and Internet resources. 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