
The article discusses the main provisions of new directions in the system of scientific organization of labor and management principles in general, personalities, prerequisites for the emergence, both scientific and historical, as well as the importance and contribution to the development of not only domestic management science, but also in the system of foreign management schools. The conducted research proves that in this historical period (the 20s of the XX century), Soviet researchers continue the traditions of management laid down by F. Taylor, but they develop the ideas formulated by him and bring their own new, innovative approach to management principles, especially valuable for these theoretical and applied developments are approaches to working with personnel in new economic conditions. The formation of new economic conditions and principles of the organization of production in the post-revolutionary period in Russia becomes possible thanks to the scientifically grounded directions of the organization of labor activity, personnel policy, transformation of the production environment and the building of a new vertical of power in the economic space at the state level. Consideration and study of management concepts in Russia in the 20s of the XX century is currently relevant and allows us to determine the evolutionary principles of management development, give a comprehensive assessment of the current stage of development of management science and respond to the challenges of modernity in the development of socio-economic systems.

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