
In this work a sanitary-hygienic assessment of the features of the epidemic process for hepatitis A disease among the population has been conducted and its connection with the accumulation of household waste in the environment has been established On the whole territory of Ukraine an unstable epidemic situation with hepatitis A disease is noted. It is connected with a change in the main factors that affect the transmission of infection. Therefore, the issue of establishing a link between the spread of hepatitis A in the environment and the processes that provide it are relevant. To this end, the epidemiological features of hepatitis A in the Ivano-Frankivsk region were studied for improving the system of preventive and anti-epidemic measures involving specialists and equipment of the SI “Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Laboratory Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. Calculations were made according to the statistical record of morbidity (reporting form № 2 and № 40). It is established that the main way of transmission of viral hepatitis A remains water from decentralized sources. In addition, the incidence of hepatitis A is characterized by uneven distribution and predominates in mountainous areas. For the period from 2011 to 2016 there is an active involvement of working-age people in the epidemiological process, whose share on average is 73.5%. The morbidity is almost equally widespread, both among the urban population and among the rural population. The peaks of the disease coincide in time with floods, when sewage networks and wastewater treatment plants did not cope with this volume of wastewater due to their clogging with household waste, mainly polymeric packages. Therefore, the barrier role of communal treatment facilities and the sewage system, in relation to the hepatitis A virus, is insufficient and requires the improvement of the technology of water purification and preparation. It is necessary to develop infrastructure to provide centralized water supply to the population of the mountainous areas of the region, where it is hygienically and economically justified. A promising direction for further scientific research is the development and implementation at the state level of basic preventive measures aimed at optimizing social and hygienic living conditions of the population and in the fight against hepatitis A, there is a technical and technological update of: communal systems of water supply, drainage, sanitary cleaning of the territory; organization of catering and trade and the prohibition of street trade, as well as mass immunization of the most vulnerable groups of the population; control over the provision and compliance with sanitary and hygiene norms and rules; prohibition of the production, use, import and payment or free distribution of polymer packages in Ukrainian territory. Key words : hepatitis A , epidemiology , communal hygiene , polymeric waste

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