
Nowadays, it is almost unknown how fetoplacental insufficiency of mothers affects the formation of the reproductive system in male offspring during puberty. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the histological structure of the testes of male offspring born to mothers of different ages with fetoplacental insufficiency and to evaluate the effectiveness of a new pharmaceutical composition for the correction of pathological conditions of pregnancy. The experiment involved healthy mature female Wistar rats in young (3–4 months) and mature (8–10 months) reproductive age. Eight groups with 7 pregnant females in each one were formed: groups 1 and 2 — intact animals of young and mature reproductive age, respectively; groups 3 and 4 — females with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency of young and mature reproductive age; groups 5 and 6 — young and mature animals with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency and addition to food depending on the weight of animals from 11 to 19 days of pregnancy pharmaceutical composition. Groups 7 and 8 — young and mature animals with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency with addition a comparison drug Dipyridamole to the food. Modeling of fetoplacental insufficiency was performed by daily subcutaneous injection to females from the 12th to the 18th day of pregnancy 50% oil solution of carbon tetrachloride at a dose of 2 ml/kg body weight. Offspring were decontaminated on the 50th day of life (puberty) by rapid decapitation. Samples of male testicles were fixed in 10% formalin solution, performed on alcohols of increasing strength, poured into paraffin. Sections were made from the blocks, which were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Qualitative assessment of histostructure was performed on sections of the body in rats. Summing up the results of histological analysis and morphometric parameters characterizing the condition of the testicles of rats, we can draw the following conclusions. In the offspring born to reproductively young females with fetoplacental insufficiency, inhibition of the rate of germ cell differentiation was found, while in the offspring born to reproductively mature females with fetoplacental insufficiency, the negative effects of this effect were leveled and the rate of spermatogenesis increased. When the pharmaceutical composition was administered to both young and mature pregnant females on the background of fetoplacental insufficiency, it activated the processes of proliferation and differentiation of spermatogenic epithelium in their offspring, which was reflected in the appearance of mature sperm in the seminal tubules. The comparison drug Dipyridamole, administered according to the same regimen to both young and mature pregnant females with fetoplacental insufficiency, also helped the 50-day-old offspring of these females to restore the rate of spermatogenesis at the level of the pharmaceutical composition.


  • The testicle of a rat born to a female of young reproductive age with FPI: а) thinning of the ribbon of germ cells in the wall of the tortuous seminal tubules, a distinct loose arrangement of germ cells in the rows

  • The testicle of the rat born to a female of mature reproductive age with FPI+FC: a) in tortuous seminal tubules the width of a tape of germ cells and density of an arrangement of cells in numbers is increased

  • The comparison drug Dipyridamole, administered according to the same regimen to both young and mature pregnant females with fetoplacental insufficiency, helped the 50-day-old offspring of these females to restore the rate of spermatogenesis at the level of the pharmaceutical composition

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Матеріали й методи

Дослідження провели відповідно до Національних «Загальних етичних принципів експериментів на тваринах» (Україна, 2001), що узгоджуються з Положеннями «Європейської конвенції про захист хребетних тварин, які використовуються для експериментальних та інших наукових цілей» (Страсбург, 1985) [5] та «Положеннями про Комітет з питань етики (біоетики)», 2012 [11]. Для експерименту відібрано здорових статево­ зрілих самиць щурів популяції Wistar молодого (3–4 місяці) і зрілого (8–10 місяців) репродуктивного віку. Було сформовано 8 груп по 7 вагітних самиць у кожній: групи 1 та 2 — інтактні тварини молодого і зрілого репродуктивного віку відповідно; групи 3 та. 4 — самиці з експериментальною ФПН молодого і зрілого репродуктивного віку; групи 5 і 6 — молоді та зрілі тварини з експериментальною ФПН і додаванням до корму з 11-ї до 19-ї доби вагітності залежно від ваги тварин фармацевтичної композиції (ФК), яка містить L-аргінін, бурштинову та фолієву кислоти, дипіридамол. На зрізах яєчка самців проводили підрахунок шарів клітин у стрічці сперматогенного епітелію у звивистих сім’яних канальцях; за допомогою програми ToupcamGranum на фотознімках яєчка вимірювали діаметр звивистих сім’яних канальців і ширину епітеліосперматогенного шару (мкм).

Результати й обговорення
Changes in testes of rats born to mothers with fetoplacental insufficiency
Від матерів з ФПН From mothers with FPI
Перспективи подальших досліджень
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