
The study is based on the material of phraseological units, which include the words utro [morning], den’ [day], vecher [evening], noch’ [night] and their derivatives s utra poran’she, sred’ belogo dnya, dnevat’ i nochevat’, etc., a total of about a thousand units. Dictionaries of literary, dialect, slang types of language served as sources for it. The analysis showed the activity of this group of chronolexis in phrase production from the beginning of the written period (velikaya noshch’, dnevno i noshchno), their transformations with time: Varfolomeya noshch’ (18th century) > Varfolomeevskaya noch’. The formation of compound names can be presented as a result of (1) compounding of lexical means, with the development of additional figurative semantics in them (nochnoy + medveditsa = nochnaya medveditsa [butterfly] or without it (utrenniy + zvezda = utrennyaya zvezda [morning star]), (2) expansion of one-word names into compound ones with the same conceptual volume: devichnik > devich vecher, etc. Higher rates in the implementation of their phraseological and derivational potential are shown by the polysemantic items den’ and vecher. In the primary meaning, noch’ is more active in derivation as a dark, passive period, which marks deviations from the standards of light time in actions, behavior, important characteristics of everything that exists (nochnaya krasota, belye nochi, nochnye volki). Words with the root utr- are the least frequent. The general ratio of phraseological family data can be expressed approximately as 50 (den’) : 25 (vecher) : 20 (noch’) : 5 (utro). The maximum realization of the derivational potential of these words is observed in the dialect and slang types of the language, mainly due to them the latest phraseological units are developing: nachalos’ v kolhoze utro, spokoynoy nochi (political studies in the army). The similarity of the initial semantics of words in families also led to the presence of typical non-single-word formations in them: v utro / den’ / vecher / noch’, of which most often in the phraseological family utro they have corresponding lacunae: den’ dnevat’ / noch’ nochevat’/ vecher vecheryat’, etc. Consistently the same type of stable verbal complexes form antonymous names of parts of the day: zarnitsa vechyoroshnaya / utreshnyaya, den’ v den’ / noch’ v noch’, v dyonnuyu / nóchnuyu, etc. According to the type of grammatical meaning, phraseologisms are represented by groups, the most frequent of which is adverbial (po utryaku, nochnym bytom, v moroshnyj den’ ne pereschitat’), then substantive (vechernyaya shkola, sorok dney), interjective (dobroe utro), verbal (karaulit’ noch’), adjective (noch’yu rodilsya, vidavshiy luchshie dni), verbal-predicative (dni sochteny, v glazah noch’ noch’yu). They are divided into three nominative spheres; the most developed of them is temporal, which is due to the semantics of words in the family. Phraseologisms are represented by different structures, mainly in the form of coordinate and subordinate phrases. Among them, a large number of tautological constructions are noted: dnyamdnyam, vecher vecherushchey, noch’-v-polnoch’. Such phrases reinforce the meaning of the expressed concepts (den’-den’skoy, vecher vecherovat’), and may also indicate the development of semantics in the words used: utriy / utrenniy den’ [future, tomorrow], vechernie noshchi [shadows]. Fixing new meanings in the usage of the analyzed words contributes to the development of their nominative-derivational potential.

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