
In order to understand the essence of the Tibetan problem, one must first of all be acquainted with the views of the Tibetan opposition and the Chinese leadership on it. They are described in the White Papers on Tibet, where each side describes its own opinion on the problem, the current state of the problem and ways of its solution. The papers are prepared by Tibetan immigrants and the leadership of the People’s Republic of China. The present study analyses only two White Papers – Chinese (1992) and Tibetan (1992) due to the fact that they provide the most complete and consistent reflection of the views of official Beijing and the leadership of the Tibetan opposition on how the Tibetan problem should be solved. Despite the desire to mitigate the acuteness of contradictions, the Tibetan opposition is inclined to see, and sometimes exaggerate, the negative sides of the Chinese authorities and understands Tibet’s independence as the only solution to the problem. At the same time Beijing, citing a number of negative consequences of the Tibetan policy, indicates that Tibet has a lot in common with the rest of China and therefore considers further development of Tibet as a part of united China as a proper way of solving the problem.

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