
The purpose of the work. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for using materials that describe the geography of administrative districts in general educational institutions (on the example of the Zhytomyr district of the Zhytomyr region). The method of work. The research methodology is based on an integrated approach to scientific research, which involves the interaction of several scientific areas: geographical and historical, landscape-constructive, socio-economic, environmental and statistical. At the same time, the dialectical method was used, which makes it possible to analyze and interpret scientific data. The method of synthesis of the available material made it possible to study it in the physical-geographical, socio-economic and methodological directions, thereby revealing the problem in a comprehensive manner. As a result, it is possible to deepen and expand students' knowledge of the nature, population and economy of the region, to make them more accurate and complete. Scientific novelty Local history materials can be used in school geography curricula and there are a number of relevant lessons. Local folklore materials are the best visual aids for studying the curriculum in geography, their use allows you to consolidate the cognitive activity of students and develop a commitment to their native land. The use of local history materials is especially important when studying topics in physical geography, since they can show complex natural patterns, relationships and interdependencies between the components of the natural complex. This paper proposes a new research method and approach that takes into account the geographical features of the administrative districts of the Zhytomyr region. Practical meaning. The author of the study suggested using innovative teaching methods in teaching geography in secondary schools and studying local history. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the material and results can be used for further development of didactic means of using local history material in geography lessons in educational institutions, for students to comprehend the physical-geographical and socio-economic features of the territory of the Zhytomyr region, for the further development of theory and methodology Teaching Geography in General Educational Institutions.

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