
The article is devoted to the dialogue of cultures in the context of modern educational strategies and justifies the importance of Chinese themes in Russian culture. Despite the fact that until very recently the Russian-Chinese dialogue has mainly taken place in the political and economic space, and the actual cultural communications were selective and unsystematic, in the 21st century the Great Silk Road has a chance to become a signal artery for Eurasia, a chord of permanent intercultural communications, and an instrument of cultural transfer. The author proves that an urgent task today is the reflection of the prospects in Russian-Eastern (and Russian-Chinese in particular) polylogue in the sphere of culture and educational activity, substantiates the importance of learning the basics of Far Eastern Chinese civilization and creating the potential for mutual understanding and productive dialogue. The author focuses on educational perspectives of such a dialogue in contemporary Russia, describing a project to mobilize the resources of cultural polylogue that he personally implemented at the Yaroslavl state pedagogical university named after K. D. Ushinsky, as well as at universities in Moscow (Moscow State University, Institute for the History of Cultures) and at the Mirzo Ulugbek National University (Tashkent). The presented program of studying classical Chinese culture is based on providing students with a systematic and holistic view of cultural synthesis in China as a sophisticated, bright intellectual, aesthetic and practical experience of harmonizing multidirectional spiritual principles, which allows to talk about the deep integrity of culture, its richness, its actualization potential, about the basis of religion and philosophy, about art, way of life, and mentality.

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