
AbstractThe article defines public-private partnership (PPP) as a management tool for the sphere of culture in Russia. The principles of implementation of PPP were developed. The problems of implementation of PPP were analyzed in various aspects: theoretical, legislative, economic, organizational and managerial. The comparative analysis of foreign and Russian experience in implementing PPP in the management of the sphere of culture was conducted. The problems of implementation of PPP in the sphere of culture are the following ones: economic, legislative, political and specific. The dynamics of the market development of implemented projects in the field of culture, leisure, tourism and restoration of cultural heritage in Russia was analyzed. Organizational and management mechanism for the development of PPP in culture was developed. KeywordsManagement tool for the sphere of cultureOrganizational and management mechanismPublic-private partnership (PPP)Principles of implementation of PPPProblems of implementation of PPPSphere of culture

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