
The theory of argumentation is based on the ancient theory of proof and argument. It has developed as an interdisciplinary field of philosophical knowledge; some authors define it as a new philosophical science. Philosophers, logicians, rhetoricians, psychologists, linguists and ethicists deal with the issues in this scientific field. The theory of argumentation developed by Ch. Perelman, L. Olbrechts-Tyteca and their followers is called “new rhetoric”. The argumentation theory covers all oral and written genres. Philosophical argumentation “permeates” (Perelman) argumentation in all oral and written discourse. Rhetorical genera and species have strictly established specifics in argumentation, which are analyzed by rhetoric. Argumentation in oratory discourses is a global issue between argumentation theory and modern rhetoric. Nowadays, we live in an age in which there is reason to speak of a renaissance of rhetoric as the following ancient ideal is being revived: a good orator is a good citizen, and a good citizen is a good orator. The courage to take a personal stance that you stand for in certain circumstances sometimes costs a person’s career or life. Correct argumentation is to prove truths and form beliefs without false statements. Ch. Perelman and L. Tyteca appeal to good orators to present correct argumentation aimed at truth and expediency for the benefit of the people.

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