
This article examines the historical importance in the settlement of border issues and identifies the main difficulties of the process of solving problems related to the SinoRussian border. The article emphasizes that since the formation of the modern national state, borders have become an important part of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, and during the formation of modern states, the process of establishing a border between the two countries has almost always been accompanied by controversy, even large-scale wars or the threat of war. The formation of the russian-chinese border also took place in similar conditions. The author traces in detail the history of RussianChinese relations in terms of resolving border problems, comments on the main stages of China-Russian negotiations on border delimitation issues, characterizes the main border agreements concluded between China and Russia (Nerchinsky, Kyakhtinsky, Aigong and Beijing), assessing the difficulties in signing agreements from the positions of the Chinese and Russian sides. The article justifies the importance in the settlement of the China-Russian border issue: the creation of new conditions for cooperation in many specific areas, such as economic and trade exchanges, environmental protection, rational use of resources, shipping and the joint fight against crime in the border areas; improving the external situation and maintaining national security in the both countries. The article concludes that today Russia and China as a whole have reached a settlement of border issues, which made it possible to create conditions for long-term relations of strategic partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation

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