
The article presents, according to a comparative assessment, the results of effectiveness of the interaction of calculated mineral fertilizers with various bioagents and adaptogenic preparations in spring rape crops. The studies were conducted on the experimental field of Chistopol State Breed Center of the Republic of Tatarstan. The following strains of microorganisms were used in the studies: RECB-95 B (Bacillus subtilis); RECB-50V (Bacillus spp.). Seed treatment with the aforementioned bioagents was carried out on the day of sowing, and foliar top dressing was performed in the phase of 3-4 pairs of real spring rape leaves. The predecessor of the research object was pure steam. In the experiment, a cultivar of Gedemin spring rape of the Belarusian selection was cultivated. Mineral fertilizers were applied as a general background before sowing with the expectation of a planned productivity of 3.0 tons per hectare of oilseeds of the studied crop. The repetition of the experiment is fourfold, the plot area is 32 m2. To reduce the chemical load on the environment, to save money, to fully realize the potential possibility of calculated norms of mineral fertilizers on leached chernozems of the Republic of Tatarstan in order to obtain 3.28-3.37 tons per hectare of oilseeds of spring rape, it is recommended to pre-sow seeds with strains of RECB-50 In (2.0 litres per ton) or RECB-95 V (2.0 litres per ton) in combination with foliar application in the phase of 3-4 pairs of real leaves with the same strains (norm 1.0 litres per hectare consumption) with the addition of an adaptogenic drug.

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