
The article reveals the problem of professionally-oriented self-realization of future dentists. The matter is to find new approaches to the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher medical education, intensification of the needs of self-education of the individual, including pedagogical self-education. The readiness of future dentists for pedagogical is defined as a personal neoplasm, which components are as follows: interest in pedagogical issues, its use in professional activities; knowledge and ability to apply pedagogical techniques and methods in working with patients and their relatives; ability to communicate and show tolerance.The indicative plan of pedagogical self-education classes has been developed and proposed to deepen the content of professionally-oriented self-realization of future dentists.During the acquaintance of future dentists with the topic Methods of education there were positive changes in the levels of understanding the practical significance of pedagogical techniques and methods of interaction with users (persuasion, visitation, training, encouragement, use, etc.). Beliefs as a method of forming personal consciousness contributed to the formation of new views, attitudes of future dentists to their health, the health of loved ones, changed their attitude to universal values, morals, national traditions.The method of explanation in emergency conditions doctor’s work and life of a society is realized. Patients should be informed about ways to follow preventive measures, such as: washing their hands thoroughly, not hugging or kissing friends, not shaking their hands when meeting, not talking loudly in transport, splattering saliva on people standing nearby.The oriented plan of pedagogical self-education classes has been developed and proposed with the help of deepening the content of professionally-oriented self-realization of future dentists.

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