
The authors analyze the conceptual apparatus of the first edition of the encyclopedia “The Russian language” in cognitive aspect. The aim of the work is to reveal the role of ideology in the formation of the official portrait of linguistic science in the 1970s and to determine its influence on presentation and description of scientific terms. The study uses the method of contextual analysis, logical-semantic, historical-linguistic, cognitive modeling methods. The most important articles-ideologems from the point of view of the cognitive world view are considered: “History of the Russian literary language”, “Culture of language”, “Journalistic style”, “Russian language”, “Language and society”, etc. They allow to recreate the metacultural connections of a specific historical time and to identify ways of forming an ideologized context. The study showed that the transformation of the cognitive world view in Soviet science can be carried out without nominatively expressed references to ideological attitudes. And, conversely, not every reference to ideological formulas distorts the scientific model of reality. The results obtained can be used in the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries of terminological units and sociolinguistic dictionaries, in studying cognitive problems of modern scientific discourse. The authors come to the conclusion that the articles of the encyclopedic dictionary form a specific model of ideas about the Russian language, based on the evaluativeness of linguistic facts, the opposition of ideas and the deliberate distortion of reality in the direction of manipulation of concepts.

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