
The article discusses the main aspects characterizing the dynamics of ethno-demographic development in the Republic of Khakassia. Particular attention is paid to the place and role of miscegenation. The empirical basis of the study was made up of data from all-Russian and regional statistics. It was revealed that in percentage terms the number of representatives of the Khakass ethnos is growing, while in absolute numbers it is decreas-ing. We believe that this is due to demographic, migration, ethno-social (primarily miscegenation) processes. The impact of miscegenation on the development of ethno-demographic processes in Khakassia is multidirec-tional and can have both positive and negative consequences. The study of this issue requires further deepen-ing and expansion, which will allow us to describe in more detail the specifics of the ethnic identity of mestizo people, the attitude towards interethnic marriages on the part of representatives of various national groups, the main social risks associated with miscegenation, in general, to show how the processes of miscegenation in-fluence changes in the sociocultural space of the Republic of Khakassia.

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