
The article analyzes archaeological collections originating from the excavations of A. P. Umansky, burial grounds of the Andronovo (Fedorovka) culture, namely: Kytmanovo, Nizhnyaya Suetka and Novo-Alexandrovka, which are stored in the collection of the Historical and Local Lore Museum of AltSPU. A detailed description of ceramics and jewelry is given, their features are considered in the context of cultural and chronological processes of the Andronovo time. It is noted that out of 88 storage units, individual fnds make up only a quarter of the collection. Most of the items belong to mass materials, artifacts of unclear purpose, or poorly preserved organic materials. The reasons why the bulk of the materials from the researcher’s excavations are stored in other museums are related to the fnancing and organization of expeditions by these institutions, as well as, apparently, to the distrust of A. P. Umansky to the preservation of precious objects in regional museums.

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