
History of the Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine Department of the Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky reflects the history of the university, region, country in different historical eras. Crimean Medical Institute named after I. V. Stalin was founded in 1931, and already in 1934 the department of propaedeutics of internal medicine was created. The founder of this trend in the Crimea is rightfully considered Batinkov E. L. The therapeutic school he created exists and is developing to this day. During the existence of the department, prominent figures in the medical science of Crimea worked at it: Shakhnazarov A. B., Lukash N. V., Krutikov S. N. It is impossible to imagine the training of students at any medical university without studying the propaedeutics of internal diseases, which collects fundamental knowledge together and lays the foundation for the deep clinical thinking of the future doctor. The Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine has been of great importance in the structure of higher medical education and the upbringing of medical personnel of Crimea since its foundation.

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