
The article briefly shows the formation history and provides an overview of the library of A.A. Zimin, who was the famous scientist, one of the largest experts in the history of Russia in the Middle Ages. The library has been received recently by the Central State Archives of the Moscow Region. The library has been collected by A.A. Zimin for several decades eventually reflecting a wide range of his scientific interests, as well as hobbies. It accumulates the works of many prominent Russian historians, contains a unique collection of Russian chronicles and other documentary publications, which are valuable sources for studying various aspects of the history of Russia. There is a large number of works devoted to the most famous monument of Russian literature – “The Word about Igor’s Regiment”, in the study of the origin of which A.A. Zimin has been engaged for a long time formulating his point of view on this problem. There are also many publications of a bibliographic nature, works on source studies, historical geography, faleristics, diplomatics, and other auxiliary historical disciplines. Among the books related to the scientist’s personal hobbies, there are many works on the history of domestic and foreign cinema. The inscriptions on the books and the ex-librises are of considerable interest. Upon completion of the archival processing of the received collection, the researchers, when they turn to it, will be able to find answers to many questions that interest them.

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