
The article reveals the possibilities of implementing the doctrine of three "S": social forecasting, social planning and social management in the formation of strategies for regional development of Luhansk and Donetsk regions and Ukraine as a whole. The main components of budgetary federalism of the unitary state with definition of coordinated borders of financial independence of Ukrainian Donbass and state regulation by reproduction of economic and vital activity of the population are considered. The results of the study, the subject of which were the leading components of scientific and methodological support of socio-economic recovery of Ukrainian Donbass, are presented in the form of a memoir-analytical review of fateful state and possible alternative solutions. The object of the study was the chronology, essence, content and validity of decisions. The working hypothesis of the review was to find out the origins of the civil-military conflict between the national authorities in 2014 and the population of Ukrainian Donbass, identifying the causes and factors of the tragedy of both sides 7 years ago in the context of "terror" and "terrorism". The features of state and international terrorism sanctified by Wikipedia are considered and their manifestation in the national economy in the processes of introduction of Anglo-Saxon model of open market economy is generalized. The reduction of the role of state influence on regional development in the development of long-term development strategies to achieve the 7th Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the period up to 2030 is revealed. The absence of a "goal tree" in the hierarchy and in the time of its coordination with the MDG, SDG and human development indicators was revealed. The close connection of International Geopolitical Business with the holding of the First (2004) and Second (2014) Maidans in Kyiv, the launch of the "ATO" project was revealed. Author's versions of state decisions on the transition of unitary Ukraine to model of budget federalism to strengthen its independence and sovereignty as an alternative to the "ATO" project are revealed. In contrast to the deliberately falsified information on the rating of 2013 of regional human development in Luhansk and Donetsk regions according to the National Methods of 2001, 2012, it is possible to predict 33 indicators of the Regional Human Development Index: 22 growth stimulators and 11 development disincentives. Thanks to this, the strategic and operational goals of the socio-economic reconstruction of Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukrainian Donbass have been determined.


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