
The article analyzes the process of creation and operation of the architectural department of the Odesa branch of the Imperial Russian Technical Society (OBIRTS). It has been determined that in 1864, one of the first technical societies in the Russian Empire, the Odesa Society of Engineers, Technicians, and Architects, was established in Odesa. This society became the basis for the organization of the regional branch of the Russian Technical Society in 1871, and Odesa architects were able to create a separate architecture department within the OBIRTS. The aim of the article is to study and highlight the process of the origin, development and functioning of the architecture department of the OBIRTS and its role in the social and cultural life of the city of Odesa and the Southern Region of Ukraine. The source base of this scientific article consists of archival and printed materials. The principles of objectivity, historicism and systematicity, using general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and generalization in the unity of logical and historical aspects, the study of phenomena in specific-historical conditions, the transition from the particular to the abstract, and from the abstract to the particular using general scientific methods have become the methodological foundation of the research. Scientific novelty of the publication. One of the most extensive projects of organizing scientific and technical activities of the architects of the city of Odesa in the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century, their contribution to the creation of a voluntary public society of professional orientation, ensuring its functioning, which contributed to convergence of science and practical activity, interaction with government institutions, city administrations, and private individuals aiming to properly organize urban development have been studied for the first time. The role of the members of the architecture department of the OBIRTS in creating significant landmarks in the city of Odesa is determined. Conclusions. The activity of the architects of the city of Odesa during the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century, which showed significant engagement in the professional organization of their activity, demonstrated the formation of the scientific and technical intelligentsia in Ukraine, which became the driving force of modernization transformations. The creation of a separate architecture department within the OBIRTS played a significant role in engaging professionals to solve the important scientific and practical problems related to the development of the city of Odesa and the Southern Region.

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