
Introduction. In the article modern looks open up in relation to organization of psychological rehabilitation of personnel of Armed Forces of Ukraine. The primary objective of the psychological providing consists in a timely study, forming, correction and proceeding in both the individual psychological features of separate servicemen and high level of the morally-psychological state of personnel, that will provide successful implementation of combat missions (tasks on purpose).Purpose. An aim of the article is clarification of maintenance and order of organization of psychological rehabilitation in the system of the psychological providing of preparation and application of troops (forces) of Military Powers of Ukraine in modern terms.Methods. For gaining end research drawn on theoretical analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization of literary sources, including study of empiric data after the certain range of problems.Originality . It is found out, that the posttraumatic factors of activity of servicemen are not only extreme situations and events that cause less after intensity stress and gradually exhaust human capitals but also such that as a result of accumulation and combination of everyday situations of professional stress with injuring extreme experience cause the origin of "cumulative" psychological trauma. On condition of accumulation of negative injuring influences on the psyche of servicemen yet during passing by them services there is the phenomenon of disparity of resource adaptation possibilities of their organism to influence of external stress irritants. On results research a symptomatology and classification of posttraumatic stress disorder, order of organization and realization of psychological rehabilitation of participants of battle actions are specified and specified. The term of realization of measures of psychological rehabilitation (psychological decompression) must fold from three to five days (taking into account experience of armies of leading countries of the world).Conclusion. Direction of further researches consists in determination of ways of upgrading of grant of psychological help and rehabilitation of participants of battle actions. quality organization and realization of measures of psychological rehabilitation are in the districts of proceeding in a battle-worthiness, base camps, curative establishments, centers of psychological rehabilitation possible only on condition of bringing in of central organs of executive power, assistance of public and local self-government and volunteer organizations authorities.

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