
The quality of food products of animal origin in their markets is controlled by veterinary specialists of veterinary and sanitary examination laboratories. Veterinary and sanitary examination laboratories are organized on the market in ¬ with the established procedure. They are part of a city or district animal disease control station, a district (interdistrict) veterinary laboratory. The main task of the laboratory is veterinary and sanitary examination of food products of animal and plant origin sold on the market, as well as the implementation of measures to prevent human diseases and the spread of infectious animal diseases through products. The quality of the products is monitored in accordance with current standards, rules and procedures. Veterinary specialists of laboratories are responsible for the correctness of the examination, the sanitary well-being and quality of food products allowed for sale, the implementation of measures to comply with sanitary conditions on the market. The article presents the results of scientific and economic experience on the use of vitamin-mineral mixture in the diets of dairy cows. As a result of feeding 100 g of vitamin and mineral supplements to dairy cows, the quality of milk improved. Install. It was found that feeding a complex mineral supplement to dairy cows contributed to an increase in daily milk yield. Milk obtained from Holstein cows and buffaloes was carried out in sanitary and hygienic conditions, which affects the acidity of milk and is of great importance in obtaining a fermented milk product — yogurt. The acidity of milk is one of the important qualitative indicators.

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