
Phlegmon of the neck is one of the most severe variants of soft tissue suppurations encountered in the practice of otorhinolaryngologists, maxillofacial and thoracic surgeons. Currently, the clinical course of purulent-inflammatory processes in the neck has changed markedly. According to many authors, the number of patients with atypical course of purulent-inflammatory diseases has increased. Along with the appearance of sluggish forms leading to a chronic process, the number of locally advanced cases of the disease has increased. Among the purulent complications of inflammatory diseases, phlegmonous processes of the pharynx and neck occupy a special place. Unlike paratonsillar and pharyngeal abscesses, the diagnosis and treatment of which do not cause any particular difficulties, recognition of these processes in the initial stage is not always possible, and their localization in the vicinity of the larynx, great vessels of the neck, and mediastinum poses a danger to the life of patients. We present our own clinical observation of acute adenotonsillitis and purulent thyroiditis complicated by neck phlegmon with unrecognized thyroid cancer in a 33-year-old young man.

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