
The article is devoted to the study of the features of regional governance in conditions of increasing uncertainty and exacerbation of threats to economic security due to anti-Russian sanctions. The purpose of this article is to analyze the existing regional experience in overcoming the consequences of unstable economic development due to anti-Russian sanctions and ensuring regional economic security. This analysis was carried out on the materials of one of the largest (in terms of contribution to the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation) subjects of the federation - the federal city of St. Petersburg. The study assessed the impact of anti-Russian sanctions on regional development in Russia; the experience of St. Petersburg in ensuring stable and economically secure development of the regional economy was studied; recommendations for using this experience in other regions of the Russian Federation are proposed. The study focuses on studying the mechanisms of influence of anti-Russian sanctions on the economic systems of the constituent entities of the federation, as well as assessing the results of this influence, including from the standpoint of ensuring regional economic security. The results of the study show that this influence is multidirectional. The strength of its manifestation and assessment of the consequences significantly depend on the characteristics of a particular regional economic system, as well as on the measures taken in regional economic policy. As a result, the sanctions macro-shock leads to increased differentiation of Russian regions. This aggravates existing problems of economic security at the regional level. Against this background, the experience of those regions that during 2022-2023 deserves a more careful consideration. not only remained stable, but also achieved an increase in key economic indicators. One of these regions is St. Petersburg. The article analyzes the system of anti-crisis measures taken in this region that ensured stability and protection from sanctions-related threats to economic security. The article emphasizes the feasibility of using this experience in other regions. At the same time, the need for their adaptation to regional specifics is noted.

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