
Problems that arise when delivering procedural documents to a person who is on the temporarily occupiedte rritory or on the territory of an aggressor state during a pre-trial investigation and when conducting a special pre-trial investigation are examined in the article. It has been established that the web page of the General Prosecutor’s Office is not aimed at a person participating in criminal proceedings, facts of the distribution of personal data have been discovered. It has been proposed to improve the web page of the General Prosecutor’s Office, on which procedural documents are published, namely to add the possibility of choosing a language for persons who do not speak Ukrainian and to ensure the search for procedural documents on the page by the date of their publication, the surname of the person, the qualification of the article, the area in which pre-trial investigation body is located. According to the result of the appeal sent to the Office of the General Prosecutor about the distribution of personal data during the publication of procedural documents on the website, an increase is observed in the number of documents in which personal data are hidden. In order to ensure compliance with the requirements for the protection of personal data on the website, it has been proposed to carry out monthly checks of such publications and to solve the issue of bringing prosecutors to disciplinary responsibility. The need to exclude the requirement of mandatory delivery of procedural documents during a special pre-trial investigation has been proven. It has been concluded that currently the prosecution party rarely uses e-mail or social networks for delivering procedural documents. The advantages of using e-mail and social networks for delivering procedural documents to persons participating in criminal proceedings have been proven. It has been proposed to enshrine the following requirements for delivering procedural documents in the code. Keywords: procedural documents, subpoena, notification, special pre-trial investigation, suspect, temporarily occupied territory.

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