
Japan has escalating the right wing nationalism recently, and strengthen the claims Dokdo islets to solve the problem by lawsuit in International Court of Justice. Two Koreas requires cooperation and needed for the analysis of North Korea's Dokdo research in order to strengthen Korean sovereignty in the international community and provide for the Japanese policy of Dokdo provocation. We analysis on North Korea's Dokdo policies and Dokdo research through the books of "Dokdo seen as old maps", "Dokdo Story", "Ahn Ryongbok kept Ulleungdo", "Dokdo Research No. 2" etc. Also We analysis Dokdo research of the present situation through North Korea's Dokdo research on the old maps. North Korean studies was analyzed the historical documents, old maps proved that Dokdo is Korean historical territory. The official document and the old maps issued by the Japanese Government could prove that Dokdo is Korean historical territory and this studies can proves Japanese injustice and contradictions of territorial claims. North Korea has analyzed the historical inspector, change the name, location of Dokdo in the map of Choseon(朝鮮) and the Western old maps demonstrated that Korea has exercised effective jurisdiction over Dokdo. The Western old maps can proves East Sea which is marked as 'Sea of Korea' on the old maps, and Japanese old maps can proves East sea by the name of Korea Sea. Two Koreas should strive to practice Dokdo policy actively based on North Korea's Dokdo research for strengthening the appellation of East Sea and the dominium of Dokdo in the international community.

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