
The creation of end-to-end technology for the production of competitive metal products in modern conditions puts on the agenda the task of choosing the optimal metal production technology scheme. In solving this problem, a significant role belongs to the development of an information-modeling system for analysis and decision making. An important link in end-to-end technology is the after-furnace treatment of cast iron. As the analysis of various technological solutions for pig iron desulfurization has shown, the process developed at the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy is currently the most economical, rational and preferred. The process is carried out by blowing through the immersed tuyeres of dispersed granular magnesium without additives. A special dosing and injection system is used. The developed process has undergone numerous industrial testing at domestic and foreign factories. To optimize the process of end-to-end technology and its information-mathematical support, modular mathematical models have been developed. An integrated database has been created that summarizes information on the parameters of cast iron desulfurization technology with granular magnesium. The expert system «Out-of-furnace cast iron processing» is described and presented, which allows to obtain high-quality metal products. The adequacy of the developed model for predicting the specific consumption of magnesium in the after-furnace treatment of cast iron was studied. The completed developments created the prerequisites for building the architecture of the Expert Decision Making System. The replenishment of the database with information on current and other technologies for pig iron desulfurization will make it possible to refine the existing and obtain descriptive models for various reagents, which will serve as the basis for the algorithmic support of the analytical unit of the expert system.Key words: desulfurization, hot metal, magnesium, information system, model.

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