
The psychological readiness of a graduate cadet is an essential prerequisite for the effectiveness of his activities after graduation. Psychological readiness helps a specialist to successfully perform their duties, use knowledge, experience, maintain self-control and adjust when new unforeseen difficulties arise.Along with the motivational and regulatory areas of personality, which generally determine the professional suitability for the profession of ORFCP, an important place belongs to the intellectual and cognitive component of psychological readiness, which is based on ideas about the difficulties of operational tasks to be performed, based on previous experience; assessment of their capabilities on the basis of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of training, knowledge and understanding of the features and conditions of activity, requirements for the individual. Verification of the intellectual and cognitive component of psychological readiness of future specialists of ORFCP to compliance with the existing requirements of the future specialty is an important stage in the selection of candidates for structural units of the service. The speed and efficiency of response to constant changes that occur in the process of professional activity, attitude to reality and the ability to find original non-standard solutions in extreme conditions depend on the formation of the intellectual-cognitive component.The purpose of the article. To identify the main criteria of the intellectual and cognitive component of psychological readiness and derive an integrated indicator of the formation of this structural component in future and experienced specialists of ORFCP at different stages of professionalization.Research methods. Assessing the general level of the intellectual and cognitive component, we transfered it into an integral quantity, which will allow us to assess the overall level of formation of this component of psychological readiness. Based on these indicators, we can see that in the process of professionalization there is a certain dynamics in the direction of increasing and then decreasing the integrated indicator.Research results. These indicators characterize the respondents of the experienced group as professionals who are willing to perform responsible tasks, strive for leadership, in critical and extreme situations become a support for others, have their own individual style of working with subordinates, ie have a high level of necessary leadership characteristics. Cadets, unlike experienced colleagues, show a tendency to change, disorganization, low level of responsibility, lack of courage. This is explained by the lack of cadets' experience in management, which indicates significant shortcomings in the organization of educational and independent activities of cadets in the structure of SES of Ukraine.Conclusions and prospects for further research. Thus, based on the results of analysis and generalization of the results of the study of the intellectual and cognitive component of psychological readiness of future specialists and specialists of ORFCP, we have established: a set of criteria that determine the psychological readiness of future specialists of ORFCP; by means of the integrated indicator the investigated dynamics of formation of an intellectual and cognitive component in the conditions of the higher educational institution of the SES of Ukraine on courses is defined; with the help of Student's t-test, characteristics that have significant differences and require psychological and pedagogical influence to eliminate shortcomings in the training of these specialists in the conditions of the SES of Ukraine were identified.

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