
The article provides with the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on correctional opportunities of rehabilitation and social pedagogical games in preventing negative behavior of preschoolers and primary school children. The concepts "game" and "game activity" are characterized; the priority of games incorrecting children's physical development, health and behavior is defined. The author analyzes the existing classifications of games and proves the efficiency of application of two major games categories, i.e. rehabilitation and social pedagogical ones, according to the main directions of correctional activity, namely health-improving and social and educational. The paper explicates the expediency of rehabilitation games usage to correct physical health, speech development disorders, psychophysiological processes of memory, attention, imagination, thinking, prevention of fast fatigue and reduced working capacity, as well as attests the capacity of social and pedagogical games in correction of children's aggression, impulsiveness, uneasiness, dishonesty, indifference, inclination to negative habits; education of diligence, diligence, politeness, responsiveness, truthfulness, goodwill, and humanity.

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