
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to provide proposals for improving the legal regulation ofthe competence and powers of public administration subjects involved in the implementation ofstate policy in the field of ensuring food security of Ukraine.Methodology. The methodological base of the research consists of general and special methods ofscientific knowledge, and in particular: comparative, systemic-structural, formal-logical methods.Their application made it possible to comprehensively analyze the researched issues, as well assystematically and consistently approach the disclosure of the research tasks.Results. The first section of the article provides a description of the current state of legislativeregulation of the institutional mechanism of public administration in the field of ensuring foodsecurity of the Ukrainian state, and also focuses attention on its shortcomings.The second part of the article is devoted to the study of the institutional mechanism of publicadministration in the field of ensuring food security of the state in some member states of theEuropean Union (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France). The third section of the article is devoted to proposals for strengthening the institutional mechanismof public administration in the field of food security of Ukraine.Conclusions. In the conclusions to the article it is stated that the institutional mechanism of publicadministration in the field of food security of Ukraine needs thorough reformation. A comparativelegal study of the mechanisms of institutional provision of food security in the leading memberstates of the European Union made it possible to conclude that the formation and implementationof state policy in the field of ensuring food security of Ukraine should be carried out by anextensive system of public administration entities that must ensure effective administration in thisfield at: international, national, municipal levels. This system includes: entities that carry outgeneral coordination and determine the goals and objectives of state policy in this area (Presidentof Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine); entities that directly form and implement statepolicy in this area: a) Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and ministries that carry out publicadministration in related areas; b) central bodies of the executive power (State Agency, StateForestry Agency, State Production and Consumer Service); c) local state administrations; d) localself-government bodies; e) private individuals, subjects with delegated powers. The competenceand authority of the specified system of public administration entities in the field of ensuring foodsecurity of Ukraine should find its proper reflection and regulation at the level of the special lawon food security of Ukraine.

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