
The study of the relief of large coastal accumulative forms, based on modern technologies, is rele-vant for solving many applied problems. Coastal and underwater bars, shoals, banks are characteristic elements of large coastal accumulative forms’ geosystems. Previously existing methods of relief re-searches, especially underwater, were labor-intensive and expensive. Accordingly, the development and implementation of new methods of geographical research are necessary. The Dolgaya Spit, includ-ing its underwater shoal and the Elenin Bank, is one of the largest accumulative forms of the Sea of Azov. The purpose of our work was to obtain new information on the relief structure and the shoreline dynamics of the Dolgaya Spit based on the use of new research methods. Digital models of surface and underwater relief were built on the basis of processing Sentinel-2 satellite images and data from unmanned aerial photography. The subsequent analysis allowed identify regularities that reflect the current and previous hydro-lithodynamic conditions that determined the transformation of the Dolgaya Spit during its evolution. The fulfilled studies confirmed the possibility of successful use of modern remote methods for studying the relief of coastal accumulative forms.

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