
Although much attention is paid to the problems of small business development in Kyrgyzstan in the context of the development of market relations, its socio-economic condition remains suboptimal. The problem lies primarily in the quantitative parameters of their functioning, as well as the creation of certain conditions for the development of small businesses, their management structure, and their effective cooperation with large enterprises. As for the methodology of science, the main task is to provide a heuristic form of cognition of strictly verified and tested principles, methods, rules and norms. In particular, in order to achieve success in research activities (for example, in the field of small business development, a scientist must master the “secret” of the method and possess a heuristic technology of scientific thinking. It is necessary to master the existing methodology, because not every researcher can create his own, original methodology of scientific research, which would have enough followers so that he could declare with full justification the creation of his own scientific school. Therefore, the majority of researchers should adhere to existing directions (methods), using proven methodological techniques to achieve scientific results in the field of functioning and development of small businesses.

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